what does a typical assessment look like?

As part of any assessment we want to spend time with your child in their educational setting (or at home if they are unable to attend school). We want to learn about your child from your perspective and the setting's perspective  to understand their strengths and needs holistically. 

Paperwork is sent out by Rebecca to parents/carers, school - anyone that is key to the child's life. 

Discussions with these people is also key in learning about the child.

We then observe in school or home (if they are not attending school) for a lesson, during unstructured time (break or lunch) and then spend time with them 1:1 to do the assessments (which everyone enjoys!). 

Typically half a day is spent in their setting.  

This information is then like a jigsaw, understanding the child from every perspective possible and holistically in order to advise you and their school (if appropriate) how to support them and how to enable them to reach their full potential.

FUll ot assessment

click here

visual stress assessment

click here

joint speech and language + OT ASSESSMENT

click here

post assessment support:

Home visits

After we have assessed your child, even though at the time the report made sense, sometimes, a month or so later you may be feeling overwhelmed or want things explaining again. We can provide someone to come to your home (or school) and make the recommendations become a reality. You may want to chat through other things in relation to the report also. Just let us know if this would help and support you whilst putting changes in place. 

1:1 support

After we have assess your child, we may have recommended support via an OT in your child's home or school. This is because we feel the skills needed to support them will be beyond that of a typical teacher or parent. We can provide this support either paid for privately by the parent, or school, or via your child's EHCP (if they have one).